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31 results German - English substring search »
Harn, Harne   -   urine
Harn {m}   -   urine
Urin {m}   -   urine
Kalziurie, Kalk im Urin   -   calciuria, calcium in the urine (medical)
Harnuntersuchung {f}   -   urine test
Harnuntersuchungen {pl}   -   urine tests
Ausscheidung von Harnkristallen   -   crystalluria, crystals in the urine (medical)
Harnstoffspaltung   -   urine degradation (medical)
Wasserausscheidung hemmendes Mittel, antidiuretisch   -   antidiuretic, a substance to slow urine formation (medical)
ausgeschiedene Harnmenge   -   amount of excreted urine
fehlende oder verminderte Absonderung des Harns   -   anuria, non-production of urine (medical)
Harnes   -   urines
Flour   -   flourine
mausartig   -   murine
Tamburine {pl}   -   tabors
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"There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum." -- Arthur C. Clarke
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