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20 results German - English substring search »
Wirbel {m}   -   vertebra
Lendenwirbel {m}   -   lumbar vertebra
Rückenwirbel {m}; Wirbelknochen {pl}   -   dorsal vertebra
Crista spinalis Rauber, Wirbelfortsatz   -   spine of a vertebra, the spinous process, spinal crest (medical)
Wirbel {pl}   -   vertebrae
wirbellos   -   invertebrate
Wirbeltier {n}   -   vertebrate
Rückenwirbel {pl}   -   vertebras
Wirbeltiere {pl}   -   vertebrates
Columna vertebralis, Wirbelsäule, Rückgrat   -   spine, spinal column, backbone (medical)
Wirbelbildung {f}   -   vertebration
die Wirbellosen   -   invertebrates
Bandscheibe {f}   -   intervertebral disks
Halswirbelsäule {f}   -   cervical vertebrae
aus Wirbelknochen bestehend   -   vertebral
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No man is useless who has a friend, and if we are loved we are indispensable. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
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