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15 results German - English substring search »
vertraulich   -   tete a tete
vertraulich   -   confidential
vertraulich besprechend   -   closeting
streng vertraulich   -   strictly confidential
streng vertraulich   -   private and confidential
Vertrautheit, Vertraulichkeit   -   familiarity
Vertraulichkeit {f}; plumpe Vertraulichkeit {f}; Aufdringlichkeit {f}   -   familiarity
vertraulichere   -   more confidential
vertraulichste   -   most confidential
vertrauliche Anhörung   -   private hearing
vertrauliche Besprechung haben   -   closeted
vertrauliche Mitteilung   -   private information
vertrauliches Gespräch   -   private conversation
zu viel Vertraulichkeit schadet nur   -   familiarity breeds contempt
jemanden mit Vertraulichkeit behandeln   -   to treat someone with familiarity
Marriage Ceremony: An incredible metaphysical sham of watching God and the law being dragged into the affairs of your family. -- O. C. Ogilvie
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