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15 results German - English substring search »
Wellen {pl}   -   waves
Wellen {pl}; Wogen {pl}   -   waves
Flutwellen {pl}   -   tidal waves
Stoßwellen {pl}   -   shock waves
Lichtwellen {pl}   -   light waves
Schallwellen   -   sound-waves
Wanderwellen {pl}   -   travelling waves
Wellenschlag {m}   -   wash of the waves
Ultrakurzwellen {pl}   -   ultra short waves
Wellenschläge {pl}   -   washes of the waves
Ultraschallwellen {pl}   -   ultrasonic waves
gegen die Wellen ankämpfen   -   to breast the waves
ein Spielball der Wellen sein   -   to be tossed about by the waves
Kurzwellen {pl}   -   shortwaves
Mikrowellen {pl}   -   microwaves
Udall's Fourth Law: Any change or reform you make is going to have consequences you don't like.
processing time: 0.054 [sec]

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