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92 results German - English substring search »
schieben, treiben, stoßen, Schub, Stoß   -   push
drücken   -   to push
abstoßen   -   push off
antreiben   -   push on
Eindrücken {n}   -   push in
Eindruecken   -   push in
Lohndruck   -   wage push
im Notfall   -   at a push
Stoßstange {f}; Schubstange {f}   -   push rod
einstecken   -   to push-in
Liegestütze {pl}   -   push-ups
Schiebesitz {m}   -   push fit
[ Personenname ]   -   Push
abschieben   -   to push off
aufstoßen   -   to push open
   |    next 15 »
People who push both buttons should get their wish.
processing time: 0.232 [sec]

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