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98 results German - English substring search »
Einrichtung {f}; Anstalt {f}   -   institution
Anstalt {f}   -   establishment; institute
AöR : Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts   -   public-law institution
jemanden in eine Anstalt einweisen   -   to institutionalize someone
Buehne, veranstalten, Podium   -   stage
Buehnen, veranstaltet   -   stages
Ereignis {n}; Veranstaltung {f}   -   event
Gefängnis, Strafanstalt   -   prison
Gefängnis {n}; Strafanstalt {f}   -   prison
veranstaltung, die   -   gig
Badeanstalt {f}   -   baths
Lehranstalt, Schule   -   school
Lehranstalt {f}; Schule {f}   -   school
veranstaltete   -   staged
Veranstaltung {f}; Vorfall {m}; Ereignis {n}   -   event
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: "It's hard to tell whether he has an ace up his sleeve or if the ace is missing from his deck altogether."
processing time: 0.379 [sec]

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