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46 results German - English substring search »
Glocke   -   bell
Glocke, Klingel   -   bell
Glocke, Schelle, Läuten   -   bell
Glocke {f}; Schelle {f}; Klingel {f}; Läute {f}   -   bell
Glocke; Klingel   -   bell
Ich werde ihm schon sagen, was die Glocke geschlagen hat.   -   I'll tell him where to get off with that stuff.
Du sollst nicht an die große Glocke hängen, dass ...   -   Don't spread it around that ...
Hängen Sie es nicht an die große Glocke!   -   You don't have to shout it from the housetops!
Glocken, Schellen   -   bells
Glasglocke {f}   -   cloche
Möpse, Titten, Jumbos, Glocken   -   tits (slang)
Totenglocke {f}   -   knell
Abendglocke {f}   -   curfew
Glockenturm {m}   -   belfry
Kuhglocke {f}   -   cow bell
   |    next 15 »
It is always the best policy to tell the truth, unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar. -- Jerome K. Jerome
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