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158 results German - English substring search »
soll   -   shall
soll   -   desired
Soll   -   debit side
[ Personenname ]   -   Soll
Soll {n}   -   debit side; debit
Sage ihm, er soll gehen!   -   Tell him to go!
Soll-Saldo {m}   -   debit balance
Soll und Haben   -   debit and credit
Was soll das bedeuten?   -   How now?
Er weiß nicht, was er tun soll.   -   He's in a quandary.
Er weiss nicht, was er tun soll.   -   He's in a quandary.
Was soll es sein?   -   What would you like?
soll nicht beinhalten   -   shall not include
Was soll das?   -   What's the point of that?
Er soll krank sein.   -   He's said to be ill.
   |    next 15 »
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