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27 results German - English substring search »
warum   -   why
wieso   -   why
weshalb   -   why
weswegen   -   why
aber ja   -   why; yes
aber nein   -   why; no
warum; weshalb   -   why
deswegen   -   that's why
[ Personenname ]   -   Why
weswegen   -   why wett even
Das ist ja fürchterlich!   -   Why, that's outragous!
Wozu denn auch?   -   Why should I (you, he ...).
Aber selbstverständlich!   -   Why certainly!
Warum machst du das?   -   Why are you doing this?
Deswegen sind Sie hier.   -   That's why you're here.
   |    next 15 »
You can always tell the people that are forging the new frontier. They're the ones with arrows sticking out of their backs.
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