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17 results German - English substring search »
chemisch   -   chemical
Chelation   -   chelation, chemical combination with heavy metal (medical)
Chemikalie   -   chemical
Katabolismus, Abbaustoffwechsel   -   catabolism, chemical breakdown (medical)
Biosynthese   -   biosynthesis, formation of a chemical by a living organism (medical)
Stoff, Chemikalien, Produkt aus chemischer Herstellung   -   chemical (medical)
Chemiefaser {f}   -   chemical fibre
chemisch   -   chemical (medical)
chemisch   -   chemically
chemische   -   chemically
Chemieaktien   -   chemicals
Chemikalien {f}   -   chemicals
Chemikalien {pl}   -   chemicals
biochemisch   -   biochemical
biochemisches   -   biochemically
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If little green men land in your back yard, hide any little green women you've got in the house. -- Mike Harding, "The Armchair Anarchist's Almanac"
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