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14 results German - English substring search »
Cluster   -   cluster, concentration (medical)
Adsorption, Anreicherung von Gasen und Dämpfen   -   adsorption, the accumulation or concentration of molecules of a gas or liquid on a surface in contact with the gas or liquid (medical)
Konzentration, Stärke   -   concentration, level, strength (medical)
Konzentration {f}   -   concentration
Konzentrationslager {n}   -   concentration camp
Marktkonzentration   -   market concentration
Machtanhäufung   -   concentration of authority
Grenzkonzentration {f}   -   limiting concentration
Konzentrationskoeffizient   -   coefficient of concentration
Anreicherungsschicht (Halbl.)   -   carrier concentration layer
gesamtwirtschaftliche Konzentration {f}   -   aggregate concentration
Anreicherungsschicht (Halbleiter) {f}   -   carrier concentration layer
vorhergesagte Konzentration in der Umwelt   -   predicted environmental concentration (medical)
Konzentrationen {pl}   -   concentrations
He is truly wise who gains wisdom from another's mishap.
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