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15 results German - English substring search »
Cursor {m}   -   cursor
Schreibmarke {f}   -   cursor
Positionsmarke {f}   -   cursor
Schreibmarkensteuertasten {pl}   -   cursor control keypad
Vorbote {m}   -   precursor
Vorläufer {m}   -   precursor
Vorläufer {pl}   -   precursors
oberflächliche   -   cursory
Wegbereiter {m}   -   precursor
oberflächlich   -   cursorily
vorausgehend   -   precursory
Flüchtigkeit {f}   -   cursoriness
Fluechtigkeit   -   cursoriness
das Vormaterial   -   precursor material
Nukleotiden   -   nucleotides the metabolic precursors of nucleic acids, they encode genetic information (medical)
The problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be pretty sure they're going to have some pretty annoying virtues. -- Elizabeth Taylor
processing time: 0.053 [sec]

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