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15 results German - English substring search »
behindert, benachteilt   -   handicapped
Behinderter   -   handicapped person
behindert   -   handicapped; disabled
die Behinderten {pl}   -   handicapped people
schwerbehindert   -   severely handicapped
geistig behindert   -   mentally handicapped
körperbehindert   -   physically handicapped
körperbehinderter Arbeiter   -   handicapped worker
Schwerbehinderter   -   severely handicapped person
Behinderte {m,f}   -   handicapped person; disabled person
geistig Behinderter   -   mentally handicapped person
Körperbehinderter   -   physically handicapped person
körperbehinderter Beschäftigter   -   handicapped employee
sehbehindert   -   visually handicapped; visually impaired
behindertengerecht; rollstuhlgängig   -   handicapped accessible
Most people have two reasons for doing anything -- a good reason, and the real reason.
processing time: 0.055 [sec]

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