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111 results German - English substring search »
jagen, Jagd   -   hunt
jagen   -   to hunt
Suche {f}   -   search; hunt
[ Personenname ]   -   Hunt
Pirsch {f}; Pirschjagd {f}   -   stalk; still hunt
Schatzsuche {f}   -   treasure hunt
Arbeit suchen, Stelle suchen   -   hunt for a job
Hexenjagd {f}   -   witch-hunt (hist.)
Hetze {f}; Hetzjagd {f}   -   chevy; chivy; coursing; hunt
Jagd {f}   -   hunt; hunting; shoot; shooting
durchsuchen; forschen; suchen   -   to hunt
Kesseltreiben {n}; Treibjagd {f}   -   hunt; witch hunt; battue
auf Schatzsuche gehen   -   to go on a treasure hunt
jemandem nachstellen   -   to follow; to pester; to hunt someone
jagt   -   hunts
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The only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. -- Oscar Wilde
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