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35 results German - English substring search »
Insel   -   island
Insel, Eiland   -   island
Insel {f}; Eiland {n}   -   island
Island   -   Iceland
Island {n}   -   Iceland (is)
[ Personenname ]   -   Island
Inselstellung, isolierte Position   -   island position
Verkehrsinsel {f}   -   traffic island
Bouvet-Insel   -   Bouvet Island (bv)
Norfolkinsel   -   Norfolk Island (nf)
Weihnachtsinsel   -   Christmas island (cx)
vorgelagerte Insel   -   island (just) off the coast
Trauminsel {f}   -   island of one's dreams; beautiful island
Männer wurden auf der australischen Insel ausgesetzt   -   men were marooned on the Australian island
Inseln {pl}   -   islands
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: Talent does what it can, genius what it must. I do what I get paid to do.
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